
Category: Relationships

September 22, 2024

We live in a world where a vast majority of women think sex is for the man. This is learned...

August 26, 2024

Do you have minor differences with your partner? Are the differences celebrated? For example, one person loves beach holidays whilst...

July 28, 2024

One of the biggest barriers of entry to intimacy I see is when a relationship can no longer partake in...

July 21, 2024

Friends are great when you need a comforting shoulder to lean on. They can provide insights and a different perspective....

July 14, 2024

Most of us understand that relationships are like the tide, constantly ebbing and flowing. Our feelings, energy levels and sensitivity...

June 29, 2024

Human bodies are amazing. Described as a feat of biological engineering. They are flexible, enduring, sensory and agile. We also...

May 30, 2024

Show me someone who has never experienced disappointment when their person of sexual interest didn’t want to have sex with...

August 4, 2023

You don’t have to channel your inner goddess (or god) to start owning your sexuality. Your sexuality is yours, and...

May 25, 2023

If I could invent a pill to assist long term relationships have easy sex for their entire relationship I’d be...

March 8, 2021

What I hear often from couples who have infrequent sexual intimacy, is that the mere topic of sex becomes a...

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